We would like to thank all of our donors for their generosity and for their belief in our vision to provide free, equitable, and quality healthcare to the Paseo del Norte region. ​

This clinic could not have been started without your help.

Thank you.

Title Sponsor

For donors who contributed amounts above $50,000

Diamond Donors

For donors who contributed amounts from $10,000 - $50,000

El Paso Community Foundation

Stern Foundation
2023 and 2024
A HUGE thank you for your generosity and for helping us start up our clinic. We are forever grateful for your support and your belief in our vision.

Platinum Donors

For donors who contributed amounts from $5000 - $9999

Gold Donors

For donors who contributed amounts from $2000 - $4999

Silver Donors

For donors who contributed amounts from $500 - $1999

Bronze Donors

For donors who contributed amounts from $100 - $499

Roberta Piccone-Minjarez

Automatic Hotshots Courier Service

Thank you for believing in us and supporting our dreams.

MAP International

Brunswick, Georgia

Kyle Stephen Russo

Medical Student

Special Thank You's

donors who contributed unspecified amount to our clinic.